Sunday, April 17, 2016

Post #12: Homemade Neosporin

Last Sunday, I was stopping by my neighbor's house when her little wiener dog ran out the door. In fear that it was going to run to the street, I stuck my hand down to stop him/ pet him. Well this was a mistake. Being the over-protective little dog he is, he attempted to bite my hand. Luckily he just grazed my palm leaving a little slice, I didn't think much of it until later that night after working outside it had become red, hurting, and filled with puss. 

In fear that it would continue to get infected I went ahead and opened it up and drained it, sorry if that's too much information. After doing so I cleaned with alcohol and put on some of my homemade Neosporin on it. 

To my surprise the next morning the redness had all but vanished and the skin was nearly completely healed over.  It was amazing!

This mixture is something every one needs to have in their arsenal. The essential oils in the recipe are great anti-biotics, anti-virals, anti-fungals, and anti-inflammatories. Even coconut oil has anti-viral properties. It can be used on cuts, scrapes, burns, and even diaper rashes. 

Ingredients: 1/2 cup coconut oil, 1/2 cup almond oil, 1- 1oz bar of beeswax, 30 drops melaleuca, 20 lavender, and 20 frankincense. 

To make melt the first three ingredients slowly and let cool before adding your essential oils. This recipe filled one half-pint mason jar and a small travel size bottle.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Post #11: Bug Spray

Summer's on it's way and we all know what that means.. bugs! Our lovely little insect friends who love to suck our blood and leave ugly red bites. Luckily essential oils hold a solution. 

In a 4oz spray bottle I mixed together 12 drops purification eo, 8 drops peppermint eo, 6 drops lavender (mosquitos HATE lavender), and 4 drops thieves eo with 1/2 ounce witch hazel (gives it sticking power), and filtered water. Put the spray top on and mix together. 

It's still a little early for bugs to be out, but I'm certain from all the testimonies I've read from other essential oil enthusiasts that this combination will do the trick.

According to Claire from the a little CLAIREification blog "I did a little research and found loads of ways to make my own Homemade Bug Spray and they pretty much all contain the same base ingredients above – witch hazel and water –  as well as a combination of essential oils(she used peppermint, lavender, and thieves), so I whipped some up right away and it was so easy. I wanted to try it for a week to be sure it worked and I am thrilled to report it works like a charm! I am so happy and also can’t believe I didn’t do this before.  No harmful chemicals and less money in the long run too.  You can also use your own favorite combination of essential oils which is great."

There's quite a few essential oils mosquitos don't like. They include rosemary, cinnamon, citronella, clove, bergamot, geranium, lavender, eucalyptus, cedar wood, peppermint, lemongrass, basil, and thyme. You can pick your favorites and make your own natural bug spray! Just be sure to mix before every use. 

Post #10: Orange & Honey Body Wash

This is something I'm really excited about. I finally made my honey and orange body wash I've been talking about for a while now. I think one of the reasons I was so apt to trying essential oils is because I was never really happy with my face wash, body wash, whatever it was I was always switching from one product to another. Now after having made my own products and finding out how easy and how much I love them, I'll never be switching to anything other than my all-natural homemade concoctions. The great thing is there are endless possibilities on what you can do. Not to mention all the chemicals you're saving your body from in the long run. Now, I know I'm not all the way there yet but I'm working on it.

But any who, back to this weeks creation- honey and orange body wash. It's made out of 2/3 cup castile soap, 1/4 cup honey, 2 teaspoons jojoba oil, 1 teaspoon vitamin E oil, 2 teaspoons vegetable glycerin, and 50 drops of orange essential oil.

To make you simply measure it all out and pour it into your jar, put the lid on, and shake just enough to mix in your oils. 

I just finished this gem and am tempted to take my second shower of the day to test it out. :) 

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Post #9: Face Wash and Toner

My face routine is pretty simple. Face wash, toner, and lotion. All three are easy to make and I can’t stress how much better natural ingredients are for your skin. This face wash and toner consist of four oils that come in your starter kit- Lavender, Peppermint, Frankincense and Purification EO.

For the face wash you need ¼ teaspoon almond oil, ¼ teaspoon vitamin E oil, 1/3 cup castile soap, 10 drops Frankincense, 6 drops Purification, 5 drops Lavender, 5 drops Peppermint, and 2/3 cup distilled water. Use your choice of a glass foaming pump container and combine all the oils. Swirl around to ensure it’s mixed and add the distilled water to the container. Ta-da! You’re done with that one.

The facial toner is just 6 drops each of Frankincense, Lavender, and Peppermint, ¼ cup Apple Cider Vinegar, and ¾ cup distilled water. Same process then store in a glass container.

I can’t wait to use these products and see what results they have in store!

Post #8: Face Lotion Review

We’re going to rewind a little bit to my third post. About a month ago I made my day and night face lotions. At first I wasn’t really using them a whole lot because I didn’t like how they were on the greasier side. I already have kind of greasy skin to begin with. But after I finally ran out of my Mary Kay face lotion I had been milking for a while I was forced to return to my homemade lotion.

To my surprise I actually love it. After you get past the fact that it’s greasy on application it soaks in! At night this isn’t an issue. In the morning I just allow for a little bit more drying time before I put my make-up on. I’ve noticed my skin is brighter. I haven’t had a break out since I’ve been using it and it makes my face super soft.

To keep the ball rolling in my next post I’m going to make my own face toner and face wash.